Write a shell script, which will trigger a mail alert, if the utilization of the asm diskgroup reached 90 percent.
1. Below is the shell script.
Make sure to update ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID inside the shell script.
cat /export/home/oracle/
export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/ export ORACLE_SID=PRODDB1 export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH logfile=/export/home/oracle/asm_dg.log sqlplus -s "/as sysdba" > /dev/null << EOF spool $logfile SET LINESIZE 150 SET PAGESIZE 9999 SET VERIFY off COLUMN group_name FORMAT a25 HEAD 'DISKGROUP_NAME' COLUMN state FORMAT a11 HEAD 'STATE' COLUMN type FORMAT a6 HEAD 'TYPE' COLUMN total_mb FORMAT 999,999,999 HEAD 'TOTAL SIZE(GB)' COLUMN free_mb FORMAT 999,999,999 HEAD 'FREE SIZE (GB)' COLUMN used_mb FORMAT 999,999,999 HEAD 'USED SIZE (GB)' COLUMN pct_used FORMAT 999.99 HEAD 'PERCENTAGE USED' SELECT distinct name group_name , state state , type type , round(total_mb/1024) TOTAL_GB , round(free_mb/1024) free_gb , round((total_mb - free_mb) / 1024) used_gb , round((1- (free_mb / total_mb))*100, 2) pct_used from v$asm_diskgroup where round((1- (free_mb / total_mb))*100, 2) > 90 ORDER BY name; spool off exit EOF count=`cat $logfile|wc -l` #echo $count if [ $count -ge 4 ]; then mailx -s "ASM DISKGROUP REACHED 90% UTILIZATION" [email protected] < $logfile fi
2. Give proper permission:
chmod 755 /export/home/oracle/
3. Configure in crontab:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /export/home/oracle/