Shell script to monitor goldengate process OBJECTIVE: Write a script is to monitor goldengate processe...
Shell script to delete old archives using RMAN If the requirement is to delete archive log backups aut...
Shell script to monitor asm diskgroup usage REQUIREMENT: Write a shell script, which will trigger a ma...
Shell script to report failed login attempt in oracle Requirement: Configure a shell script in cron...
Alert log rotation script in oracle Day by day, alert log size will grow in Oracle database. So for housekeep...
Tablespace monitoring shell script Below script can be configured in crontab to send a notification...
Shell script for monitoring Alert log Requirement: Configure a shell script to monitor alert log fo...
RMAN backup using shell script REQUIREMENT: Configure shell script to take rman Full backup . SCRI...
Kill snipped sessions in oracle db REQUIREMENT: Configure a shell script, to kill the snipped sessi...
expdp backup using shell script Requirement: Configure a shell script, to take export backup of tab...