How to install OPatch in ORACLE RAC

In this article I will explain how to install/upgrade OPatch ut...

How to Downgrade oracle 19C Grid to 12C GRID

In the pervious article we have explained the STEPS FOR GRID UGP...

How to flashback a RAC database

Below are the steps for flashback a database to restore point in a RAC datab...

How to move spfile from file system to ASM in RAC

Below are the steps for moving spfile from file system to ASM diskg...

How to change spfile in Oracle RAC.

If we are changing spfile in oracle RAC, then we need to use additional SI...

Oracle local registry(OLR) in RAC

ORACLE LOCAL REGISTRY(OLR) contains node-specific information required...


OLSNODES provides information related RAC nodes. 1. List of nodes in the clus...