Creating a database link from oracle to oracle database is easy. But setting up db_link from oracle to mssql server isn’t straight forward. We need to do odbc setup. Its knows as heterogeneous db_link. We can achive this either by using third party odbc drivers or using oracle provided gateways utility. Here in this article […]
How to connect to another user without knowing the password in oracle
Suppose you want to do some activity under another user, But you don’t know the password of that user. Then how you will do it? There is a way you can do it. See the below demo. Suppose a user TEST1 wants to connect to TEST2 user and create a table and we don’t know […]
How to deinstall and install XDB component
Follow below steps for deinstalling XDB component: — The catnoqm.sql script drops XDB. >SQL> spool xdb_removal.log SQL> set echo on; SQL> connect / as sysdba SQL> shutdown immediate; SQL> startup SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/catnoqm.sql SQL> spool off; FOR INSTALLING XDB COMPONENT: —-The catqm.sql script requires few parameters be passed to it when run: SQL> spool […]
How to create synonym for a schema
Usually we create synonym for table. But can we really create synonym for a schema? Yes, there is an undocumented parameter _enable_schema_synonyms oracle which enables this feature. Check the parameter status and make it true. SQL>select ksppinm, ksppstvl from x$ksppi a, x$ksppsv b where a.indx=b.indx and ksppinm like ‘%schema%synonym%’ KSPPINM KSPPSTVL —————————- ———— […]
How to enable/disable archive log mode in oracle database
There are 2 types of logging mode in oracle database. 1. Archivelog mode In this mode, after the online redo logs are filled , it will move to archive location 2. Noarchivelog mode In this mode, filled online redo logs wont be archives, instead they will be overwritten. Enable archive log mode: […]
Partition an existing table oracle using exchange method
There are different methods to partition an existing table. Here we will create a non partitioned table(PRODUCT) and convert it to a partitioned table using EXCHANGE option. EXAMPLE: Create a normal table with index and constraints and insert some data: conn oranet/oranet Connected. CREATE TABLE PRODUCT ( id NUMBER, code VARCHAR2(10), description VARCHAR2(50), created_date […]