How to find when a table was last modified in oracle

    If you want to find, when a table was last modified like insert,update ,delete, then use the dictionary table dba_tab_modifications. SCENARIO: 1. Insert into test data: SQL[SCOTT@TDB01]SQL>>]insert into TEST values (10); 1 row created. SQL[SCOTT@TDB01]SQL>>]commit; Commit complete. 2. Check dba_tab_modification: SQL[SYS@TCRMDB01]SQL>>]select INSERTS,UPDATES,DELETES,TRUNCATED,TIMESTAMP from dba_tab_modifications where TABLE_NAME=’TEST’ and TABLE_OWNER=’SCOTT’; no rows selected   As […]

Enable archive log mode in Oracle RAC

            Follow below steps for enabling archive log mode in oracle RAC. 1. stop the database service. srvctl stop database -d DBACLASS 2. start the database in mount state. srvctl start database -d DBACLASS -o mount 3. enable archive log mode. SQL> alter database archivelog; Database altered. 4. Restart the […]

How to apply JVM patch in oracle 12c database

                  Below are the steps for applying JVM patch in oracle 12c database.   Steps 1 : Download the respective patch from oracle support  and unzip it in the server. unzip cd 21555660 Steps 2 : check the conflict against ORACLE_HOME   cd 21555660 $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch prereq […]

Create Incident package using ADRCI utility

     ADRCI is an command line oracle utility for managing diagnostic data. We can create incident packages and provide it to oracle support team for analysis. Follow below steps to create incident package. View the incidents: $ adrci ADRCI: Release – Production on Tue Dec 15 18:52:47 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle […]

How to Enable Trace for a listener

If you want to enable trace for a listener, Then follow below steps. Set current listener:   LSNRCTL> set cur LISTENER_TEST Current Listener is LISTENER_TEST Check status LSNRCTL> status Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=IPC)(KEY=LISTENER_TEST))) STATUS of the LISTENER ———————— Alias LISTENER_TEST Version TNSLSNR for HPUX: Version – Production Start Date 14-DEC-2015 16:28:54 Uptime 0 days 0 […]

How to deinstall oracle client

              We can deinstall oracle client by runnning the deinstall tool provided by oracle client software. [oracle@bt-Prov-devst1 client_1]$ cd deinstall/ [oracle@bt-Prov-devst1 deinstall]$ ls -ltr total 92 -rwxr-xr-x. 1 oracle oinstall 32343 Dec 16 2009 -rw-r–r–. 1 oracle oinstall 409 Aug 18 2010 readme.txt -rw-r–r–. 1 oracle oinstall 3466 […]

How to find long running queries

Use below script to find the long running queries in your database. select sid,inst_id,opname,totalwork,sofar,start_time,time_remaining from gv$session_longops where totalwork<>sofar / SEE – COMPLETE COLLECTION OF DATABASE SCRIPTS

How to drop a private database link From sys

As we know, the private db_links can be dropped only by the owner of the database_link.  But you don’t have the password that db_link owner, then there is a workaround for that. SQL>select * from dba_db_links where OWNER=’SCOTT’; OWNER DB_LINK USERNAME HOST CREATED —————————— ——————– —————————— ——————– ——— SCOTT LINK1 SCOTT testdb 04-NOV-11 SQL>drop database […]

How to create database link without modifying the tnsnames.ora

            Suppose you want to create a database_link, but you don’t have the privilege to modify the tnsname entry. In that case you can create the database_link directly using tns description. sql>create public database link IMFP connect to iwf identified by thr3iwf USING ‘(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=( ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)( (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=IMFP)))’ / database link created. […]

How to create a database manually

An oracle database can be created either using Manually or using DBCA( GUI Method).  But few organizations recommend to use manual method for creating database. Here I have provided steps for creating database Manually with installation of differnt optional components. Before creating an oracle database, Make sure oracle database software is installed. REFER –  Steps […]